SvelT'i: Love Yourself with Proper Healthcare

As a working individual with day-to-day stress to balance work and life, we tend to forget that we also need to take care of ourselves. Due to the company demand to work at our best, we sometimes neglect the idea that we need to give ourselves our well-deserved break and pamper ourselves with tender loving care.

Self-care is not an easy feat to manage in today’s world where technology is a relentless 24/7 connection to high-pressure jobs. Entrepreneurs, business executives, and professionals alike juggle work commitments with their responsibilities to their families, spouses, and children. In those situations, it is the provider or family head’s well-being that is unintentionally sacrificed on the altar of time and obligations. He or she is simply too busy to develop a fitness program, or stick to a nutritious diet. As a result, they become overweight and their skin becomes vulnerable to the effects of pollution and stress.

This demanding regimen is the reason why SvelTi’s highly trained team of clinical specialists take the necessary time to sit down with each patient, learn their medical history and lifestyle, and prescribe an individual program that can help them reach their health and beauty goals.

Not surprisingly, many of the patients consult with the Centre in order to look fabulous and become more physically fit. According to Dr. Salazar, a first couple of sessions of their prescribed program does show visible results, such as a loss of one to two inches from a once bulging waistline, a reduction of five pounds from one’s weight without having to run a treadmill, and the elimination of pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles that had been festering on the face for months.

Dr. Salazar does urge the patient to continue with the program and compement with a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise and a nutritious diet. "That's how theycan sustain the first results," she advises. "Attainig your desired physique, weight, and smoothness of skin is not a one-time thing, and will take commitment on their part. What's encouraging about our treatments is that thepatient is encouraged by the result and does the follow up sessions. They come here happy and enthused, not dragging their feet because they know they will be healthier and look more attractive after the session.

Dr. Salazar also adds: "Unlike that old health slogan they used to throw at us, I believe that there can be gain even without pain. And it all starts with a firm decision to love yourself and fufill your own self-care program.

You can avail the unique and effective approach of various promos of SvelT'i during their anniversary this September. 

To know more about SvelT'i's treatments, you may inquire at (02)332-7546 / 09188-SVELTI (783584) or you may visit their clinic at 5F South Insula Condominium #61 Timog Avenue, Quezon City from Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 6pm and Saturdays from 8am to 1pm.

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